A Blogazine, based out of Park Slope, Brooklyn, that features fun and interesting articles. Topics include: parenting, society, real estate, career, style, spirituality and more. Written contributions are always welcome!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Join The Tribe At Jack: An Occasional Restaurant

I was pleasantly surprised to learn that best-selling author Seth Godin's newest book called Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us featured a hip and innovative Park Slope restaurant called Jack.

In the book, Godin wrote about Danielle Sucher of Habeas Brulee (also a Hip Slope Mama writer contributor on legal-related topics). He talked about how Danielle S. and Dave Turner run Jack, their "occasional restaurant." He says:

"Instead of seeking diners for their dishes, Danielle and Dave get to create dishes for their diners. Instead of serving anonymous patrons, they throw a party.

Danielle is the food columnist of the popular Gothamist Web site, and she and Dave run the food blog Habeas Brulee. That means they already interact with the tribe. It means that once the restaurant is up and running, it becomes the central clearinghouse, the place to hang out with the other tribe members."

Apples Doused in Cardamom Wine

Godin quotes Flynn Berry who claims that when people talk about opportunity, we should substitute the word opportunity with ‘obligation’. I like this idea very much, and think we all have an obligation ‘…to change the rules, to raise the bar, to play a different game, and play it better than anyone has the right to believe is possible’. Do something good for the world in whatever manifestation this may take. In this way we create community in a new and more authentic way.

Jack is certainly a unique and innovative space and something you want to be a part of. The following is how they describe themselves on their site. Visit their site here to read more:

Jack is an occasional restaurant, by which we mean that it is only occasionally in existence. We are open for one seating per night at 7 pm on Saturday nights, once a month or so. Our fixed multi-course tasting menu changes each time. Menus are posted in advance on this site, BYOB, and reservations are absolutely required. You can find the complete list of dates when Jack will be open in 2009 here. Our cuisine is eclectic, innovative, and very tasty.

Jack is held at the Brooklyn Lyceum in Park Slope, a miscellaneous arts space in what used to be Public Bath #7, which now houses theatre, opera, a batting cage, gallery space, aerial silk and yoga classes, and more.

Dinner begins at 7 pm and runs until approximately 10 pm. On some nights, movies may be shown at the Lyceum after dinner. For more information about other events in the building, check the Brooklyn Lyceum calendar.

Click here to make your reservations now. If you have any further questions, feel free to email them.