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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Give Procrastination The Pink Slip

Illustration is courtesy of Pink Magazine

Lately, I've been having a hard time justifying my procrastination as a form of perfectionism. I usually reconcile my habit by convincing myself that it is not mere laziness, but a deep-seated need to be perfect and admired for my excellence that paralyzes me and keeps me from being truly effective. Procrastination has been an old, familiar war I've waged against myself for as long as I can remember. It's not quite fear of failure that motivates me to act this way. And it can't be defined as laziness if I can suddenly become motivated to perform obscure, albeit complex, urgent and important tasks, as long as they are a way of not doing something more important. I've also been lucky, while others live uneventful lives, procrastination has allowed me to live an exciting and dangerous life. On numerous occasions, I've had the dysfunctional and intense thrill of waiting until the last minute to write a meaningful article, make a crucial phone call (the list goes on ...). Despite the adroit acrobatics of avoidance I've developed throughout the years, I've been pretty fortunate to have landed on my feet on almost every occasion. Important deadlines always seem to be reached with satisfactory results. I guess this is why I and so many others continue to wait until the very last minute to accomplish things. The truth is, even the smartest of people play the waiting game and hold off on important tasks. It is easy to get overwhelmed to the point of paralysis by a project that our own minds have made deceptively ominous. Really smart people know that minds can play tricks on us and that it is easier on our psyche to get into the habit of getting things done with plenty of time to spare. This habit helps us go from satisfactory results to stellar results. So at last we get to be the true perfectionists we always hoped we were. Pink Magazine, a publication that celebrates women's femininity, strength, resilience, power and passion offers some advice on how to overcome procrastination. Read about how you can motivate yourself by developing three key habits.

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