This last year, I’ve been more maxed-out then usual by all the women anti-role models out there. How many more stories can we hear about female celebrities who get arrested for DUIs, behave like bad mommies or party girls gone wild? How many more crotch shots or stories of recurring drug rehab sessions do we have to endure? It's obvious no one should use these women as role models, rather they should be guides of what not to be. There is a surplus of misunderstood and misguided young women today who need real role models more then ever before.
Luckily, there is no better time then March to offset this dearth of the female high standard in pop culture and the media. March 8th is International Women’s Day, a day that commemorates women’s rights and peace. This day kicks off International Women’s Month. A month that promises to offer a variety of events that showcase just how ingenious and industrious women can be. The events held all over the world will cover every theme from “Women Investing In Women”, “The Vagina Monologues” and “Women in Politics” or “Wild Woman Who Sing The Blues”.
In its various incarnations, ranging from a communist holiday to a U.N.-sponsored event, International Women's Day has been celebrated for over 95 years. International Women's Day is now an official holiday in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Macedonia, Moldova, Mongolia, Russia, Tajikstan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, and Vietnam.
What better time then March to share with your sons and daughters or nieces and nephews biographies of great women in history. To find out what events are happening this month near you go to: International Women's Day Events
Official Site: International Women's Day
Biographies of Notable Women: Women History Bios